
Upstream and downstream oilfield operations
Petroleum Services & Contracting has developed strong capabilities of services in both upstream and downstream oilfield operations

Supplying state-of-the-art technology
Petroleum Services & Contracting has laid great emphasis on supplying state-of-the-art technology & equipment's along with quality materials for Oil and Gas Industries. Focusing on customer satisfaction and ensure that the customer is always the first priority. In addition, PSCE is very strong in the after sale services through qualified and experienced sales team. PSCE continuously diversify and expand the division to meet the market requirements.
P.O.Box 1040, Dammam 31431
Saudi Arabia -
+966-13-847-1996E-mail -
Petroleum Services and Contracting Est. P.O.Box 1040, Dammam 31431 Saudi Arabia +966-13-847-1996